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Aarestrup executive
About aarestrup executive
Aarestrup Executive helps organisations and individuals with Executive Coaching, Outplacement, and Design of Portfolio Careers.
Founder Pia Aarestrup has more than 20 years of experience as a top manager in the financial sector – of which 10 years as a global HR manager – and has contested several board positions. Pia has a proven track record in relation to the development of top managers and high potentials across different industries.

Founder Pia Aarestrup
Pia Aarestrup has a strong financial background and has completed courses at IMD Business School and Executive Programmes at INSEAD Business School and Singularity University. In 2018, she completed the Executive Board of Directors Education at CBS. She is certified in a wide range of personality tests including the Hogan Assessment System personality test, which Sustainable Leadership of Tomorrow is based on.
You will meet a person who has been a key player in executing several business transformations, and she is known as a role model leader and mentor with a unique ability to unleash people potential. She has figured in “Leaders of Tomorrow” in the Danish newspaper Børsen and together with Maria Hjorth she published the book MUVE in 2023 – a structured guide on how to create a portfolio career.
For more information

Founder Pia Aarestrup has together with Maria Hjorth published the book “MUVE – a structured guide to create a portfolio career” in 2023.
Read more about the book or buy it on